Treatment at a glance
Treatment Time
10 minutes per eye
Numbing drops / sedatives / GA
1 day
£3950 per eye
Key Benefit
Safe and effective

The effects of ageing come to us all in time, with vision often becoming less clear. This is due to the natural lens losing functionality, when people find they need to wear glasses that correct near and / or distance vision.
As clear vision can continue to decline as a person ages, laser eye surgery doesn’t always have the long term effects that one expects from a procedure of this kind. In the case where laser is unsuitable, Prema finds that Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) is a better option. By performing Refractive Lens Exchange, we can replace the natural lens with a new customised lens that maintains its functionality for many years, if not permanently.
During a comprehensive consultation at prema, we’ll carry out a full examination of the eye, including taking accurate measurements that determine the degree of long / short-sightedness and astigmatism. To achieve excellent vision we’ll fit either a monofocal, multifocal or pseudo-accommodative intraocular lens implant, depending on the patient’s needs.
What are the benefits of Refractive Lens Exchange?
- Painless and quick
- Performed in 10 minutes per eye
- Local anaesthesia
- Opportunity for minimal dependence on spectacles
- As safe as cataract surgery

How Is It Performed
1.local anaesthetic eye drops are applied to both eyes
2.The eye area is washed and cleansed, and a sterile drape will be applied
3.The eyes are held open with a special instrument
4.The procedure is then carried out
5.Your new intraocular lens is carefully implanted, and no stitches are required
How Is It Performed
1.local anaesthetic eye drops are applied to both eyes
2.The eye area is washed and cleansed, and a sterile drape will be applied
3.The eyes are held open with a special instrument
4.The procedure is then carried out
5.Your new intraocular lens is carefully implanted, and no stitches are required