A patient may be considered unsuitable for laser eye surgery (usually LASIK) if they are over 40 and have a particularly high prescription.

Treatment at a glance

Treatment Time

10 minutes per eye


Numbing drops / sedatives / GA


1 day


£4200 per eye

Key Benefit

Safe and effective

Implantable Contact Lens
Implantable Contact Lens

In the case that a patient is unsuitable for Laser Surgery, Prema may look to perform an Implantable Contact Lens procedure (ICL). Implantable Contact Lens procedures (ICLs) have been in use for more than 2 decades, with over 650,000 procedures having been performed around the world.

The lens itself is extremely thin and is custom-made according to the needs of the individual. This procedure can help to correct high prescriptions for both long sightedness (hyperopia) and short-sightedness (myopia), ranging from +8.00D longsightedness to -20.00 short-sightedness. ICL can also be used to improve up to 6.00D of astigmatism.

The lens is made from an advanced collagen-based Collamer material which is specially designed to be harmless and totally compatible with the anatomy of the eye. The lens can also provide protection against UVA and UVB rays, as well as being anti-reflective and producing outstanding optical clarity.

What are the benefits of Implantable Contact Lens?

  • Reduced risk of dry eye syndrome
  • Significantly improved vision
  • Improved night vision
  • Suitable for those with thin corneas and complexion conditions, including keratoconus
  • UVA and UVB protection
  • 10-15 minute, painless procedure
  • Suitable for all forms of refractive error, including myopia (shortsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism
  • Reversible
Implantable Contact Lens
Prema Aesthetics

How Is It Performed?

1. Local anaesthetic eye drops are applied to both eyes
2. The eye area is washed and cleansed, and a sterile drape will be applied
2. The eyes are held open with a special instrument
4. he procedure is then carried out
5. Your new intraocular lens is carefully implanted, and no stitches are required

How Is It Performed?

1. Local anaesthetic eye drops are applied to both eyes
2. The eye area is washed and cleansed, and a sterile drape will be applied
2. The eyes are held open with a special instrument
4. he procedure is then carried out
5. Your new intraocular lens is carefully implanted, and no stitches are required

Read more

The procedure involves creating a 2.2 mm entry in which to implant the ICL which is positioned behind the iris. Although the lens does not lie flat within the eye, it is undetectable. We often perform the surgery using a local anaesthetic which only takes around 15 minutes per eye. Patients are often able to leave the clinic fairly soon after the procedure, however, we do advise patients not to drive themselves.

Prema will offer additional medication, such as general anaesthesia or sedatives, if a patient is particularly anxious. ICL can also be reversed.

Implantable Contact Lens
Implantable Contact Lens Implantable Contact Lens
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

We ask patients to arrive 45 minutes before surgery so we can dilate the pupils with medication that’s inserted into the lower lid. The eye will also be cleaned and numbing drops applied. A 2.2 mm incision is made in the cornea so the lens can be implanted to float on the lens behind the iris.

Patients are given some refreshment and are encouraged to rest for a short while before leaving the clinic. Our team will ensure each patient is given a dressing pack to clean the eyes, with a course of anti-inflammatory eye drops to be applied at home as directed. Discharge from the clinic may not happen for 1 – 4 hours after the surgery, and we’ll make sure you’re made fully aware of all aftercare.

Safety will always be a priority at Prema. As there is no guarantee that a surgical procedure is risk-free, we think it’s in a patient’s best interests to perform ICL one eye at a time. The second eye is usually treated 1 – 2 weeks after the first one. The untreated eye will therefore, usually have a much larger prescription than the treated eye, so we’ll ask that you wear a contact lens on the non-treated eye in the interim.

Although Prema takes every step to reduce the chance of complications, there is a potential risk of issues such as: raised eye pressure, lens exchange, infection, retinal detachment and cataract. These will be discussed at the consultation.

Treatments Spotlight

Corneal Transplants

Treatment Category

Corneal Transplants

At Prema we use a corneal transplants technique known as Endothelial Keratoplasty (EK).

Treatment Category

Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery has been performed for many years and is considered to be one of the oldest forms of eye surgery.


Treatment Category


The most popular laser eye surgery is LASIK. It’s used to treat common concerns we refer to as refractive errors, including: astigmatism, myopia and hyperopia.

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